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A Man Without Apologies: He’s Going to Continue Smoking Weed Despite the Weak Erections It Causes

He doesn’t need words of advice or encouragement because he’s already made his decision: at 36, he will continue smoking weed. This comes despite the knowledge that marijuana causes weak erections, an affliction he already experiences. Regardless of his penchant for recreational drug use, a cock ring will improve his sex life and restore rock-hard erections.
Case #: 1910

I smoke marijuana on a daily basis and am not willing to give it up. It’s true that most of my friends tell me I’m past the age where marijuana use is acceptable – I’m 36 – but their words go in one ear and out the other. I enjoy smoking, and if I had to choose between it or something else, you better believe I’d keep my marijuana. I just have one question: does marijuana use cause a soft penis? I’m having trouble lately with my erections and have to believe it’s the weed. Am I right?

In 2013, the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported nearly 25 million youth over the age of 12 currently use illegal drugs. The drug of choice continues to be marijuana, a substance largely heralded for its lack of side effects among users.
But this drug isn’t as innocent as it seems. Many men find that cannabis interferes with healthy sexual function. In fact, the more they smoke, the less their penises seem to cooperate. The chief complaint among marijuana smokers is weak erections, despite the fact that many say a little weed fuels their appetite for sex.
What gives?
Physical Effects of Weed

You can say what you want, but marijuana spells trouble for he who repeatedly smokes. Even the online publication High Times recognizes this and, in a 2013 article, explained weed has a relaxing effect on the body. Men therefore can experience intercourse pain caused by prolonged ejaculation – if you’re too relaxed to come, it’ll take longer than normal to finally reach that point. Then, once you do, you might be rubbed raw in all the wrong places.
Another publication has also explored the ill effects of marijuana. In 2011, Sexual Health Journal published a report suggesting marijuana contains chemicals that negatively interfere with nerves in the penis. Those chemicals cause numbness and influence all aspects of the male sexual response. What we’re telling you is that smoking marijuana will reduce your ability to get an erection, stay hard and enjoy sex to the fullest pleasure possible.
Are These Reports Real?

Some question the validity of these reports because they aren’t considered clinical studies. Others dismiss negative consequences of weed because they want to continue smoking without admonition from others. But the dangers involved with frequent marijuana use are very real. Scientists cannot explicitly say how many times you should and should not smoke a week, but the message is clear: repeated smoking will throw a wet towel on your love life.
The other message here is that marijuana can affect men of all ages. You don’t have to be in your fifties or sixties to feel the impact of erectile dysfunction. Even worse, you must remember marijuana smoke is inhaled into your lungs, so all those chemicals travel throughout the body. This can have a devastating effect on arteries that, once constricted, reduce the flow of blood. Yes, such a condition means weak erections, but it also means potential heart and pulmonary problems.
A Suggestion for Weed Enthusiasts

We would like to tell you that smoking less is beneficial for your health, but it sounds like your mind is already made up – you’re going to continue the habit. We’ll therefore save our reproach and instead concede that nearly 22 million people light up every day. It is for this reason that we need to more fully understand and embrace the consequences of marijuana. Turning a blind eye isn’t the answer.
A more powerful solution for your weak erections is a cock ring. (SEE: Cock Rings for Drug Ruined Erections) Designed specifically for erectile disorders, the cock rings slips over the penis and holds blood there for a sustained hard-on. With this device, you don’t need to apply topical creams or ingest pills. You simply slide it on before making love and enjoy greater stimulation with added endurance. You can continue smoking, if that’s what you choose, and still have great sex. In addition, cock rings come in a variety of shapes, styles and colors so you pick the one you want.

What to do

Cock Ring Guide For Unsustainable Erection Ruined By Drugs

According to, 23 million Americans ages 12 and older reported trying an illicit drug, from gateway drugs, like marijua

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